Sunday, February 3, 2008

I would like to state for the record...

For those of you who didn't get the reference "push the leather to the metal", as letterbrush artists we use small pieces of leather in a metal clamp in place of paint brushes. While I am required to use these brushes, I just want to state for the record that I am against the use of genuine leather and I do not promote it. I try to live as cruelty free as possible, so obviously this goes against my ethics. But I've got a job to do and I will continue to do it well....while hoping that one day I will get my hands on some "pleather" brushes, and give the customer the option of a cruelty free painting :P
That it all!

-Jessica Drummond

Jessica's Snake Bite

Here is my version of the photo that I picked out. I had the chance to draw one of my favorite subjects, snakes. I just used a marker and some color sticks. Nothing too exciting here!